Why Do You Need To Find Balance In Your Life?

Jagan Mohan Rao
5 min readApr 18, 2021

If there is one thing I’ve learned since being in business for myself, is you need balance. Living in India and why building a business can be challenging at times.

I’m an “Idea Guy”. Everywhere I go, people, I meet, and things I do all fuel ideas for new projects or ways to make money. Most of my ideas don’t make it past week one because I have a tendency to get bored with things very easily.

The problem I’ve faced within my business is discipline. At times I can be all over the place and this can be very toxic. I’ve lost money, lost contracts, and even missed opportunities because of a lack of balance. So below are some of the things I’ve learned over the last few years.

You Have To Discipline Yourself

If you still have a job it will take extreme discipline on your part to keep yourself focused and working on your business in your free time after work.

I remember nights coming home from my job when I just wanted to go to sleep, but I had to dig deep in order to keep moving forward. It was extremely easy to just come home and call it a night and do nothing. I did this often until I realized If I don’t force myself to work at least a couple of hours a night I’m never going to get out of my job.

Once you quit your job it becomes even harder to stay disciplined. When you have a job you work 9–5 with a 1hr break, and you know once you go home you’re on your own time. As long as you show up to work every day and put in the time you will make a living.

The day I quit my job everything was completely different. I had 24hrs a day to choose what I wanted to do. I struggled to stay focused and work on just one thing. I was all over the place with business ideas I never even thought of when I was in a job.

One of the biggest things I’ve learned is you have to plan ahead and complete your tasks before moving onto something else. It’s too easy to get distracted when working for yourself.

The Need To Plan Ahead

The best way to stay focused and disciplined is to plan ahead by making a to-do list each night before bed.

I’m always more productive when I create a list(written on paper, not the computer)of things I need to do the next day. I wake up the next morning ready to go and get rocking on the tasks for the day.

If I fail to do this it’s easy to get distracted with Facebook, searching for new business ideas, or working on something else that could wait.

Once the tasks for the day are completed it’s best to call it a day and refresh your brain by relaxing. This is hard for me because I will usually add more tasks to the list and work endlessly every single day until I drop. Not only is this stupid, but not healthy mentally either.

Eat Healthy and Drink Lots of Water- You have heard this a million times, but it’s true. I should know this better than anyone because I have a personal training certification– Yet I don’t always follow it.

I think this is one of the biggest problems for people who work from their computer. Once we quit our jobs it’s easy to fall into bad eating habits, gain weight, and drink endless amounts of caffeine.

This is not only unhealthy, but it can affect your business down the road when you’re unhappy with yourself, and less productive because you have a lack of energy.

It’s important to eat as healthy as possible and drink plenty of water in order to be mentally alert and have the energy to push through some of the long day's entrepreneurs are used to.

Exercise at least 3 times a week– This is very important when you’re working long days sitting in a chair and eating crappy food. Going to the gym will not only keep you healthy but mentally alert.

Nothing makes me feel better than going to the gym in the middle of the day when I’m dragging and feeling tired. I leave the gym energized and ready to keep pushing on throughout the day.

Get plenty of rest- This is the most important tip of them all. I’m just starting to realize this myself. Sometimes I work so much I don’t know what day it is and I’m like a zombie dragging along throughout the day.

You should get 8 hours a day so you’re rested up and able to think properly why you’re working on big projects. I worked a manual labor job for my day job, and I feel I work harder now because I’m mentally taxed each day. If I don’t get my 8 hours of sleep, I’m pretty much useless the next day.

Take a day to relax- You can work 7 days a week, but eventually you have to take a break. On this day of relaxation, I suggest you forget about work and just de-stress. This one is really hard for me. I love business so much my brain is in business mode 24/7.

I’m learning slowly that I need to forget about the stresses of work, and what I want to achieve on my day off is very helpful. It’s not good to carry around stress and baggage from your business everywhere you go. When you take a vacation or a day off you should forget about work and enjoy yourself.

Life is a balancing act. If you have too much of one thing and not enough of another it’s going to catch up with you at some point. If you’re going to be in business for yourself you need to learn to balance your life at home, work, and free time.

So even though these tips may be something you’ve heard a million times, it’s something you will learn you have to figure out how to do once you quit your job and live life on your terms. You will be in charge of your own time, so it’s up to you to learn to balance everything out.

It took me a while to figure out all of these things, but now I realize how important all of these things are to running my own successful business. I hope this post has helped you and I know I will be visiting this post from time to time just to remind myself to keep balanced and disciplined.

Connect with me if you need a better business model where you don't need to spend worrying about creating your own product, fulfillment, customer service, and updates.

You can get better and faster results if you stay focused on 2 key elements bringing on traffic (connecting real people and not some paid solo ads) and showing up every day.

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Jagan Mohan Rao

Blogger with an Enthusiasm in Travel and Food. I have a review based website https://prosperousaffiiate.com.